You will need to pay a little extra, the Reinstatement Fee, since you let your Maintenance expire. Then you get the latest version of SketchUp Pro. What do I need to do?Ī: You can renew your Maintenance. Q: My Maintenance is expired and I want to have SketchUp Pro 2018. if your SketchUp Pro Maintenance has expired (less than 3 years) you will need to pay a little extra, called the Reinstatement Fee. You pay Maintenance per year and in return for that you will automatically get the latest version. Q: I still have an older version of SketchUp Pro, what does an upgrade cost?Ī: Since SketchUp Pro v2013, you can buy Maintenance. Skatter - Compatible, please download the most recent version here.Skalp - Compatible, please download the most recent version here.Dibac - Compatible, please download the most recent version here.Render - Compatible, please download the most recent version here.Podium Walker - Compatible, please download the most recent version here.SU Podium - Compatible, please download the most recent version here.V-Ray - Compatible, please download the most recent version here.You will still be able to run the plugins in your older version of SketchUp Pro as a backup. The SketchUp Pro 2017 standalone license can't be activated on a new system anymore after the upgrade.Ī: Please contact the vendor of your plugin to check.The SketchUp Pro 2017 network license cannot be started anymore 60 days after the upgrade.SketchUp Pro 2018 will run besides any older version on your system. Q: What happens to my SketchUp Pro 2017 license?Ī: It will continue to run on the machine where it is activated.

Q: Is MacOS High Sierra now officially supported?Ī: Yes, MacOS high Sierra is now supported.

You will receive your codes from the reseller where you purchased your license and/or SketchUp Pro Maintenance. Q: When do I receive my SketchUp Pro 2018 serial number and authorization code?